Our Expertise
For more than 10 years, CGL has successfully performed preventive and reactive maintenance on all standard facility operational and security equipment and systems at nine secure facilities for the Virginia Department of Corrections.
For more than 10 years, CGL has successfully performed preventive and reactive maintenance on all standard facility operational and security equipment and systems at nine secure facilities for the Virginia Department of Corrections.
CGL has 67 on-site staff to oversee and perform maintenance tasks. CGL provides a unique array of in-depth services for Virginia, including all maintenance supervisors and technicians. CGL performs all preventive, predictive, and reactive maintenance, responds to all maintenance emergencies, and supports the budgeting and capital improvement needs of each prison’s staff.
CGL also provides “on-call” planning, architectural, engineering, and project management services. In addition to the basic scope of services, CGL also manages the maintenance of farm equipment for the 1,200-acre James River Work Center farm.
CGL manages each VaDOC facility independently, with Building and Grounds(B&G) Managers responsible for day-to-day operations and service delivery. The B&G Managers review and issue work orders, develop work schedules, assign work orders to technicians, manage on-site inventories, develop and review budgets, and interact daily with prison leadership.
B&G Managers are also skilled technicians and perform preventive and reactive maintenance when necessary.
CGL’s corporate management provides contract management, procurement, executive oversight, and accounting, HR, and IT support. CGL also manages the inmate labor work force used for prison maintenance. CGL’s managers use specialized techniques to find inmates to perform work, establishing systems to maintain facility security while inmates are on the job.
Project Details
Virginia Department of Corrections
Statewide Virginia
2,706,208 SF
9 Campuses
6,679 Beds
110 Buildings